Lab Tests
All updated COA's / Lab Tests for Sentient Snacks will be available here.
150mg Delta-9-THC Crispy Mini Cookies
To calculate the total mg. dose, multiply the value of mg/g of Delta-9-THC stated in the lab test by 2.25 (the weight in grams of each cookie) - this will tell you the mg. dose per cookie. Then, multiply this by 25 (the amount of cookies per bag) to see the total, lab tested, mg. dosage per bag.
250mg Delta-9-THC Coated Almonds
To calculate the total mg. dose, multiply the value of mg/g of Delta-9-THC stated in the lab test by 66.6 (the weight in grams of chocolate per bag) - this will tell you the total mg. dose per bag. To calculate individual doses, weigh a desired amount of almonds, then multiply the total gram weight by 0.667. Then, take this weight and multiply it by the mg/g stated in the lab test to calculate your individual dose.